Freebird Books

Shop in The DUMBO, other Brooklyn area

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Freebird Books & Goods is a used bookstore offering a comprehensive collection of used books at great prices. Elegant spalted maple bookcases are packed with titles that range from fiction to reference books, biographies and automotive manuals, gardening books, art books, kids books, foreign language books and much more.
In November 2007, Sam and Rachel sold the store to local resident Peter Miller. Joined by co-manager Charles Hutchinson and Linda Feldman--fellow veterans of the publishing industry--Freebird still features an eclectic mix of books with a new emphasis on New York history and culture. Yet the spirit of the place remains all Sam and Rachel.
A locus for community meetings, book discussions, and literary readings, Freebird is available for rental or special events. Starting in June 2008 Writopia Lab, a nonprofit organization, will lead workshops at the store for kids interested in writing.

Current or Upcoming Events

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Has a shopNo parkingNo restaurant/cafeNo Library/BookstoreNot accessible to disabled persons

Opening hours

From 18:00 to 22:00
saturdays opening at 10:00, sundays opening at 10:00
Closed on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays




Address: 123 Columbia St., Brooklyn, NY 11231
Phone: 718-643-8484

Between Kane St. and Degraw St. Subway: F/G to Bergen Street.

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