Cinders Gallery

poster for Cinders Gallery

Gallery in The Williamsburg area

Cinders Gallery is an artist space located in the Williamsburg neighborhood of Brooklyn with a gallery to host monthly art shows and other events like live music, readings, slide shows, and performance. There is a store section that features drawings, paintings, prints, t-shirts, artist books, zines, and other handmade goodies.

The idea for Cinders began from a desire to create a space to show art that felt more homey, warm, and inviting than the often cold and intimidating atmosphere of galleries. "When we realized that we were not alone and that there was quite a significant community out there who felt the same way, we were inspired to start bringing these like-minded people together under one roof. As we searched for the right location, our house literally burned down in front of us, leaving us basically homeless but also putting the requisite "fire" under our asses to quickly make it a reality. Thus "Cinders" was born. Born out of tragedy and the basic DIY tenet of: If you are unhappy with the way others are doing it, you just have to do it yourself."

Current or Upcoming Events

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Has a shopNo parkingNo restaurant/cafeNo Library/BookstoreNot accessible to disabled persons

Permanent Artists/Collection

Kelie Bowman, Diane Barcelowsky, George Ferrandi, Allyson Mellberg, John Orth, Kim Schifino, Sto

Opening hours

From 14:00 to 20:00
saturdays opening at 12:00, sundays opening at 12:00, saturdays closing at 19:00, sundays closing at 19:00
Closed on Mondays, Tuesdays




Address: 28 Marcy Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11211
Phone: 718-388-2311

Between Hope St. and Metropolitan Ave. Subway: L/G to Lorimer Street/Metropolitan Avenue

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