“Coat of Many Colors” Exhibition

Galeria Janet Kurnatowski

poster for “Coat of Many Colors” Exhibition

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Paskow and Soliven both have a tactile relationship with their materials, allowing the image to slowly emerge from the ingredients they choose:

Paskow paints temporary, fleeting moments that seem to slip away but become almost cinematic through the act of painting. Working on an intimate scale, Paskow conveys human warmth and relationships, as well as both moments of lightness and darkness. Influenced by the dreamscape of her inner world, she captures otherworldly images relating to everyday life. Paskow embodies the feelings of dream images. She alchemizes the images into colors and light, creating a reconfigured sense of presence.

Soliven uses found everyday objects for the immediacy with which they capture a sense of the unfamiliar in the ordinary. By reconfiguring the form of objects, she reduces this familiarity and transforms them into idiosyncratic inventions. Soliven’s recent figurative sculptures are portraits of her acquaintances and friends, whom she symbolically transfigures through an accumulation of modeled layers of plaster, clay and pigment. This process serves as a record of her search to capture the essence of her subjects.

Much like the originative and resourceful ‘coat’ in Dolly Parton’s song of the same title, Soliven and Paskow stitch together multifarious relics of their psychic experiences to create objects greater than the sum of their parts.

Linnea Paskow is a Brooklyn-based artist whose solo shows include ‘Paintings,” John Davis Gallery, (Hudson, NY), “Collages,” President’s Gallery Pratt Institute (Brooklyn, NY), “Blow-up,” Michael Steinberg Fine Art (New York, NY), “Mixed Message,” Pribble Room/Munson-Williams-Proctor Museum (Utica, NY), and “Aftermath,” Kunstoffice (Berlin, Germany). Linnea Paskow has exhibited extensively and is the recipient of numerous residencies in the US and abroad. She received her MFA from the University of Pennsylvania in 2002. She currently teaches in foundation department at Pratt Institute.

Elisa Soliven lives and works in Brooklyn. Her work has been featured in “Drawings,” at Uta Scharf Fine Art (NYC) and in “Paintings,” at Diamantina Gallery (Brooklyn, NY). This year, she has been included in group exhibitions at Grizzly, Grizzly, (Philadelphia, PA), HD Projects, (NYC), and the Church of St. Paul, (NYC). She has also shown at Nudashank (Baltimore, MD), Bull & Ram (NYC), and American Academy of Arts & Letters (NYC), among others. In 2011, She graduated from Hunter College with an MFA in Painting, and in 2012 received the Metcalf Award from the American Academy of Arts & Letters.



from October 18, 2013 to November 17, 2013

Opening Reception on 2013-10-18 from 19:00 to 21:00

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