Kyle Field "Knock On Every Door"

Cinders Gallery

poster for Kyle Field "Knock On Every Door"

This event has ended.

Kyle Field's ink and watercolor drawings playfully tap into our subconscious, echoing the limitless imagination you had as a child and wished you still had, while uttering adult concerns, personal revelations, esoteric musings and bits of overheard conversations. Pastel colored magical forests full of gnomes, yetis, and wise men flow effortlessly on the page with words and minute details. The compositions are sometimes frantic, bringing your eye to a thousand little places at once and zeroing in on his intricate lines. A love of surfing, the forests of California, and a wariness for contemporary culture are at the heart of Kyle Field's art, whether it is drawing, personal collages, making paper sculptures or playing music under the name Little Wings.



from May 29, 2009 to June 28, 2009

Opening Reception on 2009-05-29 from 19:00 to 22:00


Kyle Field

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