Matt Johnson "Super System"

Taxter & Spengemann

poster for Matt Johnson "Super System"

This event has ended.

Super System is an exhibition of new sculptures by Matt Johnson, in which is contained a large Puzzleman, a sophisticated stash-box, a walnut within many walnuts, an ancient amber wave with rider, a chair that is also a reclining woman, and an endless Escher-like
staircase seemingly chewed into an apple. Contrary to many of his previous works, these are not cast from precious metals but rather carved and constructed from various kinds of wood. Wood is an elemental thing, a living thing, a material that breathes, has
grown, and been cultivated.

Johnson finds the power in quotidian forms, and melds them with a ceremonial gravity. He unmasks the incisive playfulness of the so-called primitive and the urgent usefulness of Modern absurdity. He manages to take things we all know and reroute them. You sense that what you’ve known is no longer useful, and so you end up leaning on the object, waiting for it to reveal itself, or its symbol. Found forms and concealed powers— how does one take the Surrealist strategy of subliminal suggestiveness and flip it yet
again? Perhaps by starting over, by retracing ones steps, and elegantly presenting the answer as another riddle, a puzzle, and a rhyme.



from January 10, 2009 to February 14, 2009

Opening Reception on 2009-01-10 from 18:00 to 20:00


Matt Johnson

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