Jonny Fenix "Swing the Door Wide"

Leo Kesting

poster for Jonny Fenix "Swing the Door Wide"

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Pop color, street culture and sardonic wit are themes in the artworks of west coast artist Jonny Fenix's latest exhibition entitled "Swing the Door Wide." Over a dozen new "uneasy" works give art enthusiasts a visual spectacle.

Fenix's krylon colored palate adorns the new collection as do the drips, collages and cutouts reminiscent of his past work. In Keep Up, mixed media on panel, collage material circa 1945 depict two children looking skyward glimpsing a swallow's profile cut from traffic signs. The backdrop of the work, a muddied mountain view, rains atop a Native American village of tee pees formed from cutouts of Triple A maps.

"Fenix's visual library references the characteristics Americans love while subtly pushing us towards resolution of the negligent hypocrisy we are now becoming aware of." explains gallery director David Kesting. "Earnest change begins at home and then spreads abroad."

In Michael's Jacksons, mixed media on panel, Fenix finds material to cherish in American culture's fixation on pop iconography. Here the viewer is engaged by a contemporary Michael Jackson, cast from Neverland holding his former naked boy self in a Narcissistic Pieta.

[Image: Jonny Fenix "Michael's Jacksons" (2009) mixed media on panel]



from June 11, 2009 to July 05, 2009

Opening Reception on 2009-06-11 from 19:00 to 22:00


Jonny Fenix

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