Brian Alfred “High Rises and Double Vision: Images of New York”
Miles McEnery Gallery
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Miles McEnery Gallery, Brian Alfred: High Rises and Double Vision: Images of New York.
Brian Alfred’s paintings celebrate everyday imagery of New York City and bring new perspective to the evolving histories of some of its greatest landmarks. By recreating iconic structures, like the Empire State Building, as well as more ordinary encounters, such as a flower shop or storefront, Alfred observes a New York that is ever-changing and developing. Taking note from renowned architect and urban planner, Le Corbusier—“New York is not a finished or completed city.”
Among Alfred’s subjects are monuments whose cultural significance and actual fruition differ: the Statue of Liberty frowns down on the city for which she serves as a beacon of hope; a subway stop entitled “West 4th Street-Washington Square” is accessible from neither West 4th Street nor Washington Square. The city is riddled with peculiar locations that deceive the eye and the mind. In this new series of works, Alfred captures the duality of New York life—appearance versus application—and examines this double vision by calling into question the sights and scenery we experience daily.
from September 05, 2019 to October 05, 2019
Opening Reception on 2019-09-05 from 17:30 to 19:30