“Wound” Exhibition
Cooper Union (41 Cooper Square)
This event has ended.
WOUND, adj.
/waʊnd/ mending time and attention
Presented by the School of Art of The Cooper Union, WOUND is a study center for practices of listening and collaboration. The exhibition has been conceived of and designed by Caroline Woolard as a practice space for “the mending of time and attention.”
The study center offers free trainings in listening, attention, and collaboration, all of which foreground the relationship between capitalism and time, practice and temporality. WOUND displays a collection of sculptural tools that can be used by visitors who have been trained by exhibition staff. Outside of training hours, the study center is a quiet place to sit, read and contemplate conceptions of time as articulated by Chloe Bass, Matthew Buckingham, Judith Leeman, Dave McKenzie, Linda Montano, Yoko Ono, taisha paggett and Ashley Hunt, Danica Phelps, the New York Horological Society and the National Watch and Clock Museum.
Caroline Woolard makes art and infrastructures for the solidarity economy. After co-founding and co-directing resource sharing networks OurGoods.org and TradeSchool.coop from 2008-2014, Woolard’s organizing work is now focused on BFAMFAPhD.com, a collective she founded that uses both data and installation art to advocate for cultural equity, and the NYC Real Estate Investment Cooperative that exists to create and support truly affordable commercial space in New York City.
Trainings are led by Ultra-red, Shaun Leonardo, the Order of the Third Bird, Project 404, Sick Time with Canaries, the Design Studio for Social Intervention, Adelheid Mers and the Extrapolation Factory.
from October 13, 2016 to November 10, 2016
Opening Reception on 2016-10-13 from 18:00 to 20:00