Nicole Aptekar "Expanded Taxonomy"

Devotion Gallery

poster for Nicole Aptekar "Expanded Taxonomy"

This event has ended.

Expanded Taxonomy is a 15-piece collection of laser cut sculptures built out of composite images. Depth emerges from Aptekar's subtractive process to reveal abstract forms. Expanded Taxonomy utilizes negative space to uncover nuanced structures. The sculptures that populate this exhibit imply time by iteration; the subtle changes of each layer uncover new images, the sum of which give birth to Aptekar's sculptures. The modifications of each tier form the paper skeleton that is the framework of her 3D designs.

This series explores elegance and articulation. Aptekar makes adept use of her own laser to achieve a clean precision. Her expertise in designing complex structures and executing them in a decisive manner is not new to Aptekar's work, but in Expanded Taxonomy Aptekar showcases yet another evolution of her process. The technical achievements become transparent as beauty of the work entices the observer's attention.



from April 27, 2012 to May 18, 2012

Opening Reception on 2012-04-27 from 19:00 to 23:00


Nicole Aptekar

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