Trudy Benson "Actual/Virtual"
Mike Weiss Gallery
This event has ended.
New York based artist Trudy Benson creates phosphorescent large-scale paintings that pulse with energy, perspective, and illusion. She stimulates the viewer’s senses with her cosmic titles and imagery, fresh color-vision, and masterful objectification of paint – a lively balance between the physicality of the medium and the poetry of her deliberate brushstrokes. Although the paintings are undeniably abstract, one cannot help but enter into the defined, theatrical space of the work.
[Image: Trudy Benson "Black Tear" (2011) Acrylic, Flashe, oil enamel, spray paint and oil on canvas 100 x 78 in.]
from October 13, 2011 to November 12, 2011
Opening Reception on 2011-10-13 from 18:00 to 20:00
In the Studio with Trudy Benson
New York City base artist Trudy Benson is currently showing at the Mike Weiss gallery and we had a chance to interview her as she sat down in her studio to discuss many aspects of her painting process.