Patrick Lee "Deadly Friends"
Ameringer | McEnery | Yohe
This event has ended.
This exhibition will feature graphite works on paper from Patrick Lee’s Deadly Friends series. The drawings in this series are composite portraits based on hundreds of photographs that Lee has taken over the past decade of men he approached on the streets of Los Angeles. Lee is a master draftsman and each of his drawings is painstakingly crafted over many labor-intensive months of refinement. His technical skill is evident in the subtle nuances and visual complexities of his images; rays of light, shadows, muscles, pores, intricate neckchains, facial hair, even blemishes and scabs all are rendered in photorealistic detail.
from April 22, 2010 to May 28, 2010
Opening Reception on 2010-04-22 from 18:00 to 20:00