"Off the Clock: The Artist Assistant Show" Exhibition

Like the Spice

poster for "Off the Clock: The Artist Assistant Show" Exhibition

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"Off the Clock" is a group exhibition of works by artists who work or have worked as studio assistants to other artists, featuring worksby Rachel Beach who has assisted Roxy Paine, Jason Bryant who assists Kehinde Wiley, Allison Edge who has assisted McDermott & McGough and Jeff Koons, Charlie Ledbetter who also has assisted Jeff Koons, Jenny Morgan and David Mramor who assist Marilyn Minter and Reuben Negron who assists Papa Colo. The seven artists in this show have each spent a considerable amount of time working in another artist's studio. Here we present their personal artwork, giving viewers an introduction to the next generation of artists who may one day have assistants of their own as well as a chance to consider the studio assistant's place in the art world more generally.

Rachel Beach makes wooden sculptures with a tromp l'oeil kick, playing three-dimensional reality against two-dimensional illusion. Jason Bryant's cropped, photorealistic paintings of models and celebrities bring mystery and humanity back to the age of overexposure. Allison Edge investigates tween psychology, innocence, and nostalgia in her highly detailed oils. Charlie Ledbetter combines images inspired by multiple texts in compositions that playfully evoke grand literary themes. Jenny Morgan's portraits conflate the physicality of paint and person, psychology and physiology. Her collaborative works with David Mramor, investigate the tension and fluidity of portrait and landscape, abstraction and representation. In his sensuously painted watercolors, Reuben Negrón explores the private lives of people in love and lust, exposing and elevating them at once.



from July 17, 2009 to September 05, 2009
Artist's Dinner: Friday, July 24, 8:00pm. RSVP Required.

Opening Reception on 2009-07-17 from 18:30 to 22:00

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