"Lubalin Now" Exhibition
Cooper Union (41 Cooper Square)
This event has ended.
Lubalin Now will showcase contemporary graphic design that reflects the formal and conceptual approach of pioneering designer Herb Lubalin's work and legacy. Many of today's top graphic artists continue to be inspired by Herb Lubalin and reference his typefaces or visual style in their work. On view will be recent posters, publications and motion graphics by internationally recognized graphic designers. Original sketches, magazines, logotypes and posters selected from the Lubalin Center Archive will illuminate Lubalin's influence in design. The exhibition will also mark the debut of The Herb Lubalin Study Center of Design & Typography in its new space, situated in the college's new state-of-the-art academic building at 41 Cooper Square.
from November 05, 2009 to December 08, 2009
Opening Reception on 2009-11-05 from 18:00 to 20:00
Marian Bantjes, Deanne Cheuk, CW Network, Ariel Di Lisio, Marcus Eriksson, Oded Ezer, Gretel, Jessica Hische, HunterGatherer, Justin Thomas Kay, Like Minded Studio, MacFadden, Chris Martinez, Non-Format, Matt Owens, Andreas Pihlström, Post Typography, Roberto Quiñones, Alex Trochut, TV Land and Herb Lubalin