Andrew Chan "War-mart :: New Works"
hpgrp gallery
This event has ended.
This latest show by Australian artist Andrew Chan couldn't be more timely given this presidential election. It ponders the ravages of war, its aftermath and, to quote author Leon Uris, its terrible beauty.
This new exhibition features an 11-foot-long papier-mache battleship ... drawings and paintings featuring disturbing piles of military and other industrial detritus (helmets and more) ... a "Terrorvision" wall of portraits in the style of media walls seen on TV sets, featuring terrorists and their even more terrible opponents—the media ... a video (in collaboration with artist Jason Varone) representing a security camera on the battleship ... All add up to an outright condemnation of the overwhelming martial waste of the artist's adopted "homeland."
from November 14, 2008 to December 14, 2008
Opening Reception on 2008-11-14 from 18:00 to 20:00