CF and Erin Womack “Deathold”

Mountain Fold Gallery

poster for CF and Erin Womack “Deathold”

This event has ended.

Mountain Fold presents two person show “DEAFTHOLD” by CF and Erin Womack.

Embedded in the tradition of comics and fantasy, "DEAFTHOLDS" is a show of drawings, paintings and sculpture that focuses on the private creation of other worlds. The show brings together two young artists; CF, from Providence, RI and Erin Womack from Baltimore, MD. Their works compliment eachother in their content as well as in form. With thin graphite lines and sparse color both artists invent fully realized realms infused with dark corners and radiant supernatural occurances.

[Image: CF & Erin Womack "DEAFTHOLDS"(2008) 10 7/8 x 6 7/8 in.]



from July 03, 2008 to August 16, 2008
Screening performance July 30th, 7-10PM


CF, Erin Womack

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