Mudboy "All Bones Build V, 'True Magic' an interactive Dark:Light installation"

Mountain Fold Gallery

poster for Mudboy "All Bones Build V, 'True Magic' an interactive Dark:Light installation"

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Mountain Fold announces the opening of the exhibition "All Bones Build V, 'True Magic' an interactive Dark:Light installation" by mudboy. The installation is composed of an interactive micro LED light cloud, minimalist soundtrack, cardboard constructions and a variety of optical illusions and light mobiles. A series of illuminated prints, boxes and wall drawings surround the installation. The work contemplates patterns and oscillations in nature, and the creative potential of decay.

This is mudboy's fifth All Bones Build installation, which as a series refers to the physical vocabulary of debris, used constructively. Raphael Lyon, using mostly post-consumer waste, freshly assembles each installation on sight. The project seeks to intercept the waste stream by taking "waste" materials, re-contextualizing them and creating value, finally replacing the deconstructed work in the recycling bin.

Rather than making objects with a pretense of permanency, Lyon builds multi-medial structures to create an experience, to foster a sense of wonder, to fight entropy. The illuminated backgrounds of the drawings delineate silhouetted images that variously connote trees, seaweed, octopi, coral, crystals, hair. Through the interplay of light emanation and shadow, the pieces in the show suggest an abstracted shape, informed by biological processes. The installation represents natural phase changes that avoid being distinctly marked by beginning and ending, but continuously ebb and flow.

In this respect, the installation has its own life: at the advent of darkness, each element begins to move or to cast light; the drawings and installations cease their activity during the day, thus mimicking sleep. mudboy's investigations follow the work of traditional healers, whose role integrates science and art, performance and witchery.



from November 22, 2008 to January 03, 2009

Opening Reception on 2008-11-22 from 19:00 to 22:00



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